Category: Outdoor Industry

Gator Hunting with Lucas Hoge

Louisiana’s alligator season is in full swing and it’s an annual tradition for many residents.  This past weekend, I filmed a hunt with T.P. Outdoors Adventures that has been in the works since the spring.

Photo: Lucas Hoge

At the beginning of Tennessee’s turkey season, Bill Petrus and I took the opportunity to chase some spring turkeys with Brian Robinson of GSM Outdoors.  That’s where we met country music singer Lucas Hoge.  The early spring weather didn’t make for great turkey hunting so there was a lot of time spent talking around the fire.  Both Brian and Lucas were intrigued by the crazy antics seen on T.P. Outdoors Adventures and they both said Alligator hunting was a bucket list item for them.  You have to be careful what you ask for because this week, Bill and David “swamp donkey” Hanson made it happen.  

As with any of T.P. Outdoors Adventures there seems to always be some chaos involved.  This week we had engine problems with not one but two vehicles,  A vehicle broken into,  Multiple flat tires,  Brian got Snake bit, Bill got shot,  and Hanson almost got eaten alive by a gator. You won’t want to miss this episode of T.P. Outdoors Adventures. Until then, here are a few photos of the adventure and make sure you check out Lucas’ newest hit single.  “The Power of Garth” on iTunes 

Lessons for the outdoor industry from the Alex Jones social media ban

Alex Jones is a controversial figure in politics.  He is considered by some, a far right wing commentator.  A conspiracy theorist by others.   This blog post isn’t interested in getting into whether Alex Jones is good or bad, right or wrong.  However, this week in what seems to have been a concerted effort by big tech/social media companies to silence his free speech rights, Alex Jones has been banned from most common social media platforms.  The thing is, he is not alone.  It happens to all of us.

Many of the same companies that are actively banning Alex Jones are also banning and removing content that supports hunting, The second amendment, and even fishing and other wholesome outdoor activities that they deem wrong.  YouTube recently removed all of Brownells content from their site.  The content was eventually reinstated but still cost them.  Many others that are still allowed on a variety of social media platforms have been blackballed and are not allowed to promote their content, even if the content doesn’t violate their policies against the second amendment or other free speech rights.  The mere fact that sporting goods stores sell guns as well as other sporting goods, causes Facebook to reject sponsored posts promoting for example a Photos with Santa event.

How can you prevent this type of thing from happening to you?

Diversify your social media presence

As the old saying goes, “Don’t keep all of your eggs in one basket”  When marketing your company, whether its an outdoor company or not, its important to diversify your marketing efforts across multiple channels.  Not only does this keep you from loosing your audience if your content does get banned or removed for some reason, but it also allows you to reach people you might not other wise reach.

Social media is ever changing.  Facebook users are declining but they’ve also changed drastically.  Facebook was once targeted at young consumers, but that age demographic is changing.  More and more older Americans are turning to Facebook while younger demographics are turning to instagram and other platforms.

We can help you create content and manage your social media presence and diversifying your social media portfolio helps, but as is the case with Alex Jones, a concerted effort among multiple platforms essentially wiped out his entire social media presence.  What else can you do?

Websites and Blogs

While social media is the rage, do not underestimate the power of a well designed website.  Especially a blog.  This doesn’t mean you can’t have a social media presence.  In fact blog posts on your own website where you have more creative freedom, make great content for your social media profiles.  They also aren’t limited by length or design. You are in the driver seat so you control your users experience.  Blog posts help keep your audience aware of the latest happenings with your company or organization. If you need a website, We’ve got you covered or Riverbank Products can help you create content for your existing blog/website.

Build Relationships

The thing about social media platforms is that they are intend to be social.  To pull a reference from my favorite book, the bible says in Proverbs 18:24, “ A man that has friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.”  The same goes for consumers.  Social media should be but one tool in your bag to help build a relationship with customers.  Build their trust, get to know them.  Host an event or sponsor a local event.  With each sponsored event you participate in, make sure you actually participate.  Make sure a representative from your company is there in person to shake a hand and answer questions.  Serve hot dogs at your store.  No matter what business you are in, we’re all in the service industry so serve others whole heartedly.  This builds trust in the market and will hands down be better than any social media post you can possibly make.

These are just a few of my impressions and take aways.  I’m sure there are others and I’d be glad to help you talk over some ideas for your business.  For additional information on how Riverbank Products can help you and your organization, Contact me I’d love to help your business succeed.

Who is the Hogg Boss

A few days ago, I started a couple of projects for Hogg Boss Gates.  Essentially these guys have come up with a cellular controlled hog trap.  When coupled with a cellular camera system like those from Covert or Spypoint just wait for the hogs to show up and enter the trap and only catch them once they are all rounded up.  Triggering the system is pretty easy too. You just call the trap from your phone.  Pretty cool conTRAPtion if I do say so myself.

At the moment, I’m working on some photos and videos for them as well as setting up their new website. Its still an ongoing project but check them out at

Hogg Boss Gates

Hogg Boss Web Site

Hogg Boss System

POMA 2018

Last week I had the pleasure of attending the Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA) annual conference in Lincoln, NE.  I first became aware of POMA about a year ago which was around the time of their 2017 conference.  Since Lincoln is an 11-12 hour drive for me, it would have been much easier to have made the hour and 45 minute drive to shreveport last year, but other commitments and issues prevented me from attending or joining POMA2017 conference.  Instead, I began to watch POMA from a distance.

What I saw was some really engaging images and writing coming from other industry members who were involved with POMA.  I saw them interacting with clients similar to some I’ve had and others I was eager to pursue.  I also saw the diversity among the members.  While the common denominator among the members is the outdoors.  Some are more heavily involved in hunting vs fishing. Hiking, shooting sports, and General conservation efforts are also heavily represented.

As the 2018 conference came near, I knew I wanted to attend this year.  I had hopes of meeting some other industry peers and since I’ve seen this group interact over the year, I knew forming some relationships was a real probability here.  Plus, I’m almost entirely self taught on many of the skills that i’ve gained as a photographer and videographer.  So a chance to learn from others in the industry was really important.  In the weeks leading up to the conference, I honestly didn’t have the money to attend.  I’ve had some other expenses and things come up over the last few months that I just had to take an honest look at weather I should attend or not.  So I prayed about it and left it in God’s hands.

Within a few days is when I got a call from Kevin Orthman, POMA’s executive Director.  After a brief conversation, he said he liked some of my work and wanted to know if I was still interested in coming.  Of course I was, but just couldn’t really make it work.  Thats when Kevin offered me a sponsorship.  Someone was planning to attend and due to some family issues was not going to make it so there was a spot available.  I don’t know if I really contained my excitement on the phone but I jumped at the chance.  I truly felt that God had answered my prayers on this issue.  We don’t always see immediate answered prayers but this time I did and it was so awesome to have been blessed with this opportunity.  Kevin, thank you for the invite.

The conference itself did not disappoint.  While I was expecting a little larger attendance I think the number of people there was actually perfect.  I felt like I was able to begin to form relationships with several who attended and not just swap cards and move on.  The seminars were well attended and the speakers were very knowledgeable on their given area of expertise.  I can’t thank the corporate partners and sponsors that helped put the event on enough.  I learned some new things and I highly appreciated the opportunity to meet other people in the industry.

So what did I learn.  Well one thing that I’ve felt for a while and i’ve seen some signs of is that our industry is struggling.  Hunters and Outdoorsmen are declining in numbers.  This notion was repeated multiple times over the week with statistics to back it up.  God’s country has different meanings to different people.  To some, its the rocky mountains.  For others, its the Mississippi delta river bottoms. No matter your interpretation, our culture is changing and without new hunters and outdoorsmen, coming in and taking the reins, our outdoor heritage and the conservation of “God’s Country” may not fair very well in the future.    I guess, the main take away is that POMA is a great organization in a great industry.  It’s doing a lot to help bring a positive light into this industry and It’s one that i’ll be joining for sure. I hope that others in this niche of the outdoor industry will consider joining POMA as well.




JAKES/Canvasback field day planned in El Dorado, AR

JAKES/Canvasback field day planned in El Dorado

EL DORADO, AR – The Union County Limbhangers chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation and the Riverbottom Chapter of Delta Waterfowl will host a JAKES/Canvasback Club field day full of outdoor activities Saturday, Feb. 9, at the Malloy Sportsmen’s Club in El Dorado. JAKES, which stands for Juniors Acquiring Knowledge, Ethics and Sportsmanship is dedicated to informing, educating and involving youth in wildlife conservation and the wise stewardship of the country’s natural resources.
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