Tag: Frogging

Shrimp boat leaving port

South Louisiana with T.P. Outdoors Adventures

I’ve been helping film the T.P. Outdoors Adventures TV show for several years now with Bill Petrus and each show really is an adventure. On one of the first shows I filmed, I thought I was filming Bill get eaten by an alligator. True story! Thought I was going die myself a time or two but we’ve all survived so far.

Our most recent adventure was typical. We tried to cram a nutria shoot, bow fishing, Frog Giggin, and Red Fishing into two days. Why? Because sleep is over rated.

Rafe heading out into the marsh

Turns out, its harder to find the nutria during the summer when the grasses in the marsh get thick so we focused our attention on frogging instead. Our friend Rafe Antill in Houma put us on the frogs after showing us around the marsh and showing us some on going alligator farming operations. That part was pretty interesting.

Frogs from the night before
We caught a lot of frogs

The rest of the adventure was not nearly as productive as the frogging. from Houma, we set off for the Leeville/Golden Meadow area for some bow fishing and red fishing. We had an overloaded air boat and not so ideal wind and water conditions which made it very tough (i.e. we almost sunk the boat) bow fishing.

It became clear that it just wasn’t safe to proceed with bow fishing so we called it a short night and hoped for better luck the next morning where Brock Miller had some Hobie Kayaks lined up for us from The Back Packer out of Baton Rouge. Brock may be young but he is already an accomplished tournament angler having won multiple tournaments including Ride The bull at the age of 16. Now in college Brock is even more experienced and was a great guide for this crew of novice kayak fishermen.

Brock assisting Brad Bell in the Hobie Kayak

Unfortunately, the wind and water conditions persisted into the next day making for tough fishing, but I was pretty impressed with the way the Hobie Kayaks handled the water. They provided a very stable platform for such a little boat and the Hobie Mirage ST pedal Fins made them a lot of fun to scoot around the marsh in as we fished. All in All, our group caught three or four keeper fish and we had a great time. Would love to do it it a gain but for the rest of the story, you’ll have to stay tuned for an upcoming episode of T.P. Outdoors Adventures.

While the fishing and what not may not have been as productive as we’d like, I did end up with quite a few great images of south Louisiana. For more of these, view my gallery below.

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